Therapy for Chronic Illness

“If you have just one provider who you feel supported by, I want to be that person for you.”

Your symptoms and experiences are REAL, and you won’t have to try and convince us of that.

You feel tired most days, but that’s only the beginning of your symptoms. You feel nauseous, your body aches, and maybe you get debilitating migraines. You’ve explained your symptoms to half a dozen doctors, only to experience gaslighting. They write your symptoms off as “anxiety” and “depression,” and maybe you’ve even been told that your symptoms are simply a result of trauma. Doctors tell you that you “just need to change your diet!” You sit on waitlists for months, only to finally reach your appointment and then leave frustrated and confused. Your insurance company suddenly decides to stop covering your medication, leaving you with an alternative that makes you feel worse than before. The people who were supposed to help you only made things worse, and maybe they’ve even blamed you for being sick. You don’t want to keep trying, but you know that you’re only getting sicker and sicker. YOU know that your symptoms and experiences are real, and you’re tired of being gaslit and dismissed by medical professionals.

We believe you.

Misdiagnosis, waitlists, insurance…

If you have just one provider who you feel supported by, I want to be that person for you. Even if you feel isolated right now, know that you’re not alone. Maybe you’ve been on the journey pursuing a diagnosis, or trying to correct a misdiagnosis and are feeling lost. You want tools to better communicate your needs to doctors who are dismissive. You want to learn some tricks to navigate the insurance system better. You want to learn how to identify good doctors and spot bad ones. You want to feel empowered and confident in navigating the healthcare system. You want to be able to cancel plans with friends without feeling guilty. We can support you with all of these things, and more.

So, now what?

Maybe the description above is something you’ve already experienced, and you’re exhausted after going through that journey and finally receiving a diagnosis. While you feel validated by having a diagnosis, you’re also grieving your former life and the way that things “used to be.”

Through our work together, you’ll embrace a newfound sense of peace and acceptance, not just towards your illness, but towards yourself as a whole. You’ll feel empowered to stand against the systems that have let you down. You’ll feel liberated from the weight of constant worry and self-doubt. You’ll uncover layers of resilience you never knew existed.

We have therapists who have experienced some of the same things that you’re struggling with. If you’d like to work with one of our chronic illness specialists, use the contact form on this page and schedule with Gina or Calial.


  • Nope! You can attend in person when you’re feeling well, or online if that feels like the best fit.

  • You can attend your sessions in clothes that make you feel comfortable. If that means that you attend in your pajamas while wrapped in a blanket, that’s okay with us!

  • We ask that you let your therapist know as soon as you know you won’t be attending an appointment. Though all of our therapists have different cancellation policies, your therapist might be able to see you sometime during the same week to “make up” for the appointment. Your therapist will also work with you to determine a session frequency (weekly, bi-weekly, etc.) that’s a good fit for you.

  • We won’t turn you away if you’ve been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Just know that we most often support folks with chronic illness, and are not as versed in this area.

  • Yes! We’d be happy to help with this. Our therapists have personal experience with this as well.

  • In our experience, you’re most likely to get approved for disability or FMLA when a medical provider signs your forms. That said, we’d be happy to have a conversation with your medical provider (after you sign a release form, of course), to advocate for you and support you in getting the paperwork filled out correctly.


Message us to get started!