Affordable ADHD Testing

Neurodiversity-affirming ADHD assessments for Adults and teens 18+

Does this sound like you?

You’ve always known that your mind is wired differently than your peers, but you don’t know why or how. When you were younger, you got in trouble for talking too much in school., and it felt like you couldn’t control what you were saying. You enjoyed classes where you got to exercise your creativity, and preferred hands-on subjects to history and English. If you received good grades, it felt like you had to exude so much more effort than your peers. During college, you frequently forgot about deadlines and changes to your regular schedule. You worked and volunteered while you were in school, and thrived when you’re busy. This made it difficult to say “no” to additional commitments, often leaving you with very little downtime.

As an adult, you entered the workforce and continued to have difficulty saying “no” and setting boundaries. As you struggle to balance all of your responsibilities, you worry that you’re not giving you all to your loved ones. You get so focused on your work that you sometimes forget to eat, and you’ve struggled with binge eating. You often find yourself overwhelmed, struggling to focus on tasks, and feeling like you're constantly swimming against the current. You can’t seem to understand how your peers seem to balance their careers, families, and social lives so effortlessly.

Other professionals have overlooked or dismissed your symptoms. They told that you had BPD when you expressed difficulty with rigid thinking, and they told you that you had Bipolar when you couldn’t shake off a depressive episode. They gave you medication, and it didn’t help. You see social media accounts from late-diagnosed ADHDers, and you relate to their content. This has made you wonder if you’re also Neurodivergent.

(scroll to the bottom of the page to book)

Neurodiversity-Affirming Assessments

What does “Neurodiversity-Affirming” mean, and how are your assessments different?

Neurodiversity Affirming Practice is a framework centers the neurodiversity paradigm and aims to support and empower neurodivergent individuals. It prioritizes dismantling oppressive systems and promoting understanding, inclusion, and respect for diverse ways of functioning. The key principles include:

  1. Intersectionality: Recognizing all aspects of a person’s identity to provide holistic support and challenge interconnected systems of oppression.

  2. Respecting Autonomy: Honoring and respecting individuals’ rights to make their own decisions about their bodies, goals, and experiences.

  3. Presuming Competence: A neurodiversity-affirming provider should believe in individuals' ability to think, learn, and communicate. Being ND-affirming also means that providers focus on their clients’ strengths rather than deficits. We don’t see ADHD as a “deficit.”

  4. Validating Differences: Emphasizing diversity in functioning without framing challenges as failures or deficits.

  5. Rejecting Neuronormativity: Neuronormativity refers to the societal norms and expectations that prioritize and reinforce one specific way of thinking, feeling, communicating, and behaving. This standard is often upheld as the "correct" or "superior" way to function, marginalizing those who don't fit into this narrow framework. To reject neuronormativity means to reject societal norms that prioritize neurotypical functioning, while dismantling related oppressive systems.

  6. Reframing Expectations: Have you ever noticed that expectations related to productivity, professionalism, and communication prioritize the needs of neurotypical folks? Being ND-affirming means redefining success, productivity, and development based on individual needs instead of neuronormative standards.

  7. Promoting Self-Advocacy: Equipping individuals with tools to navigate society while honoring their differences and needs. A neurodiversity-affirming provider might do any of the following:

    • Teach clients to identify and communicate their own needs

    • Provide a space for clients to express their concerns, without fear of retaliation or judgment

    • Honor their clients’ decisions, even if they disagree with them

  8. Prioritizing Lived Experience: Respecting self-diagnosis and valuing individuals as experts of their own experiences. We often tell our clients that while we are the experts on therapy, YOU are the expert on your own life.

  9. Nurturing Positive Self-Identity: Countering harmful narratives by validating differences, unpacking shame, and fostering community connection.

  10. Adapting Systems & Environments: We live in a neuronormative world that isn’t set up for neurodivergent folks to succeed. When you receive an assessment from one of our team members, you’ll be asked about your accessibility needs and preferences. We strive to create accessible and inclusive environments rather than forcing you to conform to a “one size fits all” approach.

  11. Honoring All Forms of Communication: Being ND-affirming means supporting diverse communication methods, including Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). We respect your individual communication preferences and can make accommodations to support your communication needs.

    Since neurodiversity-affirming care prioritizes the lived experience of ND folks, our assessments are provided by an ADHD-ern (Gina) with both lived experience and professional training.

Ready to book? Scroll to the bottom of the page to request an assessment!

Other people have dismissed your challenges and said that you’re just "being lazy" or "not trying hard enough." The constant battle to prove that ADHD is real and that you're not just imagining things is draining.

ADHD Assessment Timeline and Cost Breakdown

  • Initial Consultation: $25

    • This will take place via phone, and is your chance to ask any questions about the assessment process

    • You’ll also be asked some initial screening questions about your physical and mental health history

    • If you decide to book a full assessment, the $25 fee will be discounted from the total cost

    • Medicaid: a 15-minute initial consultation will be provided for free

  • Testing sessions: $0-$700

    • Scheduling

      • We’ll schedule two to three 2-hour testing sessions, ideally on consecutive weeks

      • If you are paying privately, we may be able to complete testing in a single 4-hour block

    • Cost

      • If using insurance: you will be charged your copay amount

      • If paying privately: you will be charged $175/hr.

  • Option 1- Full, written report: $700

    • This fee will cover the cost of us writing the report. Reports are generally 7-10 pages, and take us 4-6 hours to write

  • Option 2- Diagnostic clarification only: $250

    • If you don’t need a full written report [for school, work, or a government agency], you can receive a 1-page written summary with a diagnosis instead of a 7-10 page document

    • Medicaid: The cost for this option is $100

  • Results session

    • We’ll schedule a 45-minute results session, approximately two weeks after testing is complete

    • We’ll go over over the report with you, in detail, and discuss your next steps

    • With insurance: you’ll be charged your copay

    • Without insurance: $175

  • Total investment: $250- $1600

Are you ready for some long-overdue validation?

Our neurodiversity-affirming assessments are designed to help you feel heard and supported. whether you’re looking for workplace accommodations or just want to learn more about yourself, we’d love to support you in this journey toward self-discovery. Fill out the form below to request an evaluation!

Request an ADHD Evaluation

Please do not use this form to request therapy. If you’re interested in therapy, fill out the form on this page.

Visit our Las Vegas Location!

2026 Regatta Dr #102

Las Vegas, NV 89128


  • No. All of our providers are masters-level therapists and do not have the legal ability to prescribe medications.

  • We provide neurodiversity-affirming evaluations for ADHD, using the most affirming assessment measures. This might include a combination of the BDEFS, DIVA-2, WURS, or other assessment measure. Our evaluations are NOT full neuropsych evaluations, as those can only be performed by a doctoral-level provider.

  • The choice to take stimulants (or any other medication) is entirely up to you. We can work together to determine if stimulants are a goo option for you, in partnership with your prescriber.

  • We’d be happy to! We have a list of prescribers who we commonly refer to, based on recommendations from our clients.

  • You can attend your sessions in person, or online from the comfort of your own home.

  • We currently accept Aetna, United, UMR (WA and CO only), and Tricare.

    If your insurance isn't listed and you're seeking individual therapy, please see Gina's page for rates.

  • Please let us know if you’re in need of financial assistance. A sliding scale is not guaranteed, but may be available on a case-by-case basis.

  • All ADHD evals are currently performed by Gina. She is a licensed therapist who has taken training to be able to offer these assessments.

  • No. This ADHD testing process will tell us if you qualify for a diagnosis or not. If you don’t qualify for a diagnosis, we will discuss the reasons why, and we’ll share helpful next steps for you

Let’s get started!