Therapy for Safety-Sensitive Workers

Are you a firefighter, pilot, correctional worker, veteran, or active duty servicemember?

We tailor therapy to the unique needs of those who serve in high-pressure, high-stakes professions.

Does this sound like you?

You feel overwhelmed and so tired it makes it hard to get out of bed and get ready for work. You feel the “Sunday Scaries” every day of the week and dread going into the office, station, or job site. The trauma you see on the job makes it feel impossible to deal with the stress you experience off the job. You don’t know who to turn to because people see you as the rock of the family or friend group. You feel like no one will truly understand the complexities of your job or your experience. We do, we get it.

We know you’ve tried everything, and you just want to feel better…

We know about the long hours, the lack of control over your schedule, the bureaucratic bullshit, your thankless efforts, the competing demands. We also know that you see and encounter situations that others couldn’t even imagine. We understand the urge to come home from work, post up in front of the television and grab a beer to zone out for as long as you can until you can muster the energy to talk with your spouse, have a meal, or simply go to bed.

Trauma can feel like it is living in your body and it’s been following you around wherever you go. It feels like this invisible cloud that follows you around even years after a traumatic event and gets in the way of you trusting other people, trying new things, or reengaging with friends/family. You want to logic your way through it; you know it was years ago, it is something that you have recovered physically from, and that you are safe now but it doesn’t feel like that.

After experiencing a traumatic event, you may find yourself trying to make sense of what happened. You may find yourself trying to figure out who to blame, how and why you were involved, why you feel the way you do, or whether the feelings you are experiencing are out of proportion to the event.





Avoidance of certain people or places



Feeling detached

Not following through on commitments

Feeling on edge

Not feeling safe in public

Feeling withdrawn from others


Drinking alone

Not calling or texting people back

Difficulty falling or staying asleep

The trauma reactions you are experiencing are a normal reaction to an abnormal event or situation.

If you want to free your body of the trauma that lives inside, you have come to the right place. Our team is made up of individuals who specialize in trauma processing and can provide a safe place for you to reprocess your trauma in a way that provides you with relief. You may have heard of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). This is a highly effective clinical approach to desensitizing current triggers of trauma and reprocessing memories of traumatic experiences. This type of therapy goes beyond traditional talk therapy by including bilateral stimulation, stimulating both sides of your brain to facilitate a faster healing process. EMDR can be used for a single traumatic event, or wounds experienced in childhood.


You might have concerns about confidentiality and the impact a diagnosis could have on your license or your fitness for duty. Rest assured; your privacy is our top priority. Our therapists adhere to strict confidentiality protocols, ensuring that your sessions remain confidential within the bounds of legal and ethical guidelines.

When you take the first step toward seeking support, that’s often the hardest part. We commend you for prioritizing your well-being. If you're a safety sensitive worker seeking compassionate and specialized therapy, we invite you to reach out to us today. Together, we can embark on a journey toward healing, growth, and resilience.

Use the contact form on this page and schedule with Steve, Kerry or Gina. 

Our therapists have played a significant role in helping individuals heal from trauma.

If you have experienced a single event of trauma such as going on a tough call as an emergency responder or a difficult deployment as a service member, you can participate in EMDR or Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT). CPT is highly effective in mitigating the effects of PTSD, depression and anxiety. Give us a call today and we can walk you through what may be best for your individual case and experiences.

EMDR is provided by Steve and Kerry.


  • Yes! EMDR can be provided during telehealth appointments.

  • It depends on you and your individual circumstances. If engaging in cognitive processing therapy (CPT), the treatment protocol is 12 sessions. We typically add 2-3 sessions prior to beginning the protocol to increase coping skills and strategies. Give us a call and we are happy to talk about this further if you’d like to participate in EMDR.

  • Our clinicians have experience in treating a wide range of traumatic experiences from childhood trauma to workplace trauma.

  • CPT is most effective for singular traumatic events such as a difficult call as an emergency responder or a deployment-related incident as a service member. CPT is not a good fit for folks who do not have time or ability to do homework outside of sessions.

    EMDR is effective for both singular traumatic events in adulthood as well as core wounds experienced in childhood. EMDR does not require homework outside of the treatment setting and would be a good fit for individuals who have busy lives. Because EMDR uses bilateral stimulation, moving your eyes from side to side, it is recommended that you consult your doctor if you have any eye condition, neurological condition, or any other medical concern that may be impacted by moving your eyes from side to side.

  • Yes. Bilateral stimulation can be achieved through self-administered tapping on both sides of the body or holding EMDR tappers.